Forever Basking Society

Forever Basking Society

An adult painted turtle is basking in the sun on a log with its hind legs extended out behind it. Another, smaller painted turtle basks in the same position while resting on the shell of the larger turtle. A lily pad floats in the pond water below. This is the image associated with the Forever Basking Society, a group of supporters who have committed to planned giving for Turtle Rescue League.

A basking turtle is investing in its future, and experiencing warmth, calm and peace.

Turtle Rescue League’s Forever Basking Society is our way of recognizing and honoring turtle lovers who have chosen to include Turtle Rescue League in their estate planning through a bequest, trust, or other method.

These turtle heroes have made a very generous and meaningful gift that will enable future generations of turtles to receive protection and the care they need to recover from illness or injury and return to their homes in the wild.

Turtle Rescue League and its patients are forever grateful to our Forever Basking Society members.


Alexxia Bell

Elizabeth Bergmann

Michael Henry

Mark Irving

Natasha Nowick